Volume 1 — A Lesser of Two Evils

By David Sorflaten

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Oh Shit almighty!

— Excerpt —

He pulled his line tight to break it loose when it began to move towards us, slowly, and Billy gained a little line against a heavy weight. A dark shape appeared in the murky water, and in a second the head of a big snapping turtle broke the surface, Billy’s hook firmly imbedded in its menacing jaw. The kaleidoscopic eyes stared angrily at the cause of his problem.

“Give him some line,” I said, and Billy frantically pulled some line from his reluctant reel and swung a loop of the line to ease the tension. Unfortunately, the loop of loose line hung up on a root sticking out from the bank. The snapper could still not move backward and did the next best thing to relieve the hook’s pain. He put his two front legs out on the edge of the bank and began to crawl towards us. We had both heard the stories of snappers biting a broom handle in half with one snap of these jaws. It was time for us to get out of there. Dropping our rods, we turned to crawl up the bank to safety, then stopped, in horror!

Looking down at us was a large, dirty white, one-horned billy goat just waiting, we knew, to butt our young asses into the jaws of an angry snapping turtle. Billy uttered quietly, “shit, oh shit, oh shit almighty.”

— End of Excerpt —