Volume 1 — A Breeding Population of Big Foot

By Lon Strickler

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There are legends about a Sykesville Monster (a hairy humanoid), perhaps something resembling Bigfoot (aka Sasquatch), or perhaps something called the Snallygaster, or perhaps both. Lon Strickler had an encounter, which he describes on his website.

But first, there’s this.

The First Encounter

— Excerpt —

I was on the south bank near the riffles when I noticed a stray mixed breed dog sniffing around the weeds and thickets on the north bank. The dog was about 50 yards from me and was weaving in and out of the brush. I wasn’t worried about the dog bothering me, so I just put it out of my mind and concentrated on fishing.

After a few minutes or so, I heard the dog barking and growling. I figured that he stirred up a deer, but when I looked at the direction of the ruckus, I noticed a dark hairy creature bobbing up and down in the thickets. I stopped fishing and moved closer to the riffles to get a better look and noticed that the dog stopped barking. Suddenly, I heard a loud yelp from the dog and the creature stood up. The best I could tell is that this thing was about 7-8 ft. tall and had dark matted hair. I could only see the body from the chest up because the rest of the body was obscured by the weeds and thickets. I stood completely still and could hear a series of tick sounds while observing this creature walk slowly through the thickets towards the woods.

— End of Excerpt —

Here’s a scientific analysis of the most famous early spotting of the fellow. Some say it’s a man in an ape suit, but he must have had a mighty big right arm, huge thighs, and a big butt.

I also found this at BigFootEncounters.com.

By Bill Rhoden

Carroll County, Maryland, Sykesville, late 1972, early 1973 –  Hunt Still in Progress

Sykesville Monster Interest Spreads

Sykesville, Maryland — The fear and uncertainty that has gripped residents here the past two weeks has been intensified by two new reports of monster sightings received by police Friday.

The Sykesville monster was seen Friday by a truck driver who described him vividly. Of high significance is the fact the 1,400-population town, 20 miles North of Baltimore, Maryland in Carroll County, has jumped into nationwide headlines in the National AFRO and other news media.

The Baltimore zoo assistant director, Dr. Ted Roth, called to say that he went to Sykesville and determined the footprint is by a large human foot with fallen arches. He said he would report after he takes another trip to Sykesville to determine what the balance of the body may be.

A Baltimore scientific research firm is also in Sykesville checking AFRO callers from ‘educators to the man-on-the-street’ are on their way to the small town. [I’m not sure this sentence make sense, but that’s the original text.]

Truck Driver’s Report

According to the truck driver, (who requested anonymity), the beast stood approximately seven to eight feet tall and appeared to be dark brown in color. “It could have been a man on stilts,” he said. The driver stated that whatever it was seemed to be caked with mud from the waist down. Although he was unable to pinpoint the exact location of the sighting, the driver said it appeared to be sitting down.

According to the driver, the thing, which was evidently minding its own business, stood, turned around and sensing danger, dashed into the woods.

As the result of the AFRO story Friday, an investigating organization, Odyssey Scientific Research, Baltimore, is on the scene. John Lutz, director of Odyssey, talked to the truck driver, and said there is an additional witness in Anne Arundel who reportedly saw the monster.

Talking with Eyewitnesses
Although reluctant to classify the thing which has been running loose in Sykesville, Mr. Jutz did state that at the present time, his corporation is listing the incident as an unidentified prowler until more information is gathered and more positive identification was made. Mr. Lutz added that tape recordings are being made of each witnesses account in order to form verbal records, which will be studied, by veterinarians, zoologists and biologists.

According to Mr. Lutz, the entire incident could be the work of a prankster. It’s very possible that a prankster will call the police department and say it was all a big joke, he said.

AFRO Returns
As of Sunday, when two AFRO reporters returned to Sykesville’s Oklahoma Hill, citizens were hardly joking about the situation, which they feel is very real. Mrs. Agnes Dorsey, mother of the young man who first saw the thing, said she thought more should be done to effect its capture and or destruction.

“They should have gangs of men out looking for it,” she said. “I hope it’s caught!”

According to Anthony Dorsey, the monster has also been seen in Woodstock, and Marriotsville, Md., located 6 miles from Sykesville, Md.

None With Big Feet
It is rumored that the prowler may be an escaped patient from nearby Springfield State Hospital. According to Dr. Fred Pokrass, superintendent of Springfield, no unusual number of escapes has been reported, and none with big feet.

“We always have a certain number who leave without permission,” he said, adding that “nothing out of the ordinary has come to my attention.”

Dr. Pokrass did state, however, that within the last two weeks, 10 or 12 people have taken unauthorized leaves.

“Included in that number are one or two persons considered dangerous to themselves or to others,” said the doctor, who was unaware of any reports until Monday.

As of this printing residents and officials in Sykesville continue to scour-the area in hopes of discovering new leads.

The Dorsey Connection
You’ll notice that the AFRO, a prominent African American newspaper, covered the story and focused on the Oklahoma Hill area of the town. This is where the black people lived in some 14 houses or so. Anthony Dorsey lived with his mother Agnes in a house at the end of the community at Norris Avenue. Anthony passed away within the past three years, but according to Warren Dorsey, who would have been Anthony’s Uncle, Anthony was a firm believe that the monster was real.